Science Malta (Xjenza Malta) established by means of Legal Notice 112 of 2024, is the Malta Government Agency acting as the National R&D and Space funding agency, policy development and implementation body, in the area of Research, Innovation and Space. Today its remit has developed and expanded to include the:
1. Responsibility for the National Research and Innovation Strategy 2020 and related Action Plan.
2. Responsibility for Policy recommendations in the area of science and technology as well a representation of the Government of Malta in EU fora such as: ERAC, ESFRI, JRC, DG working parties, EIT,SFIC, COST, ERAC, MoCo, SGHRM and the High Level Space Working Party.
3. The management and administration of the National and EU Research and Innovation Funding Programmes.
4. The setting up of the first National Interactive Science Centre, science communication and science popularisation.
Today the Council is also responsible for supporting entities, being academic institutions or enterprises to join foreign consortia to undertake large-scale multi-national research activities. Typically, such projects would have public-private partnerships set up at a European level to address strategic areas where research and innovation are essential to European competitiveness. The Council also enters into Bilateral Agreements with other countries.