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Working in Europe, Leaving EuropeResearch funding opportunitiesMalta

Funding Opportunities


While Malta has a reputation as a jurisdiction for smaller financial series companies and start-ups, the fund sector is maturing and attracting sophisticated asset management activities. In this respect, funding in the Maltese islands has increased drastically over the past years, providing researchers with ample oportunities to boost their research ideas and widen their field of expertise.

EU membership positioned Malta on a level playing field with other European Union countries and opened up many business opportunities between Malta and the EU. Now, establishing a business in Malta provides instant access to the EU’s internal market of over 500 million people in a number of EU economies. Malta also enjoys excellent relations outside of the EU, specifically with other Mediterranean nations in North Africa and the Middle East, making it an attractive base for European, American or Asian companies wishing to enter the relatively untapped markets to the south.

Malta has established a comprehensive regulatory framework for the registration and marketing of all types of funds and investment vehicles. Malta’s financial services framework and tax laws are up to date with EU directives and in line with EU requirements, while the regulator the Malta Financial Services Authority’s (MFSA) performs its regulatory function in a constructive manner. Operators based in Malta cite the licensing process with the MFSA as being quick, efficient and thorough.

Visit Malta Enterprise for further information.


Local Funding Opportunities

FUSION, presents a funding programme that supports Research and Innovation with the ultimate goal of promoting and supporting local research and innovation as well as providing the necessary handholding in order to enable researchers and technologists to turn their innovative ideas into a market ready reality.

FUSION is supported through Malta Government funds and managed by the Malta Council for Science and Technology. The programme will run from 2014 to 2020. The main objectives of FUSION are: to raise the level and profile of locally funded research; to ingrain research and innovation at the heart of the Maltese economy; to spur knowledge-driven and value-added growth; and to sustain improvements in the quality of life. This by research translating research results into commercial activities that generate a multiplier effect on the economy at large.

This vision also enables projects to increase Malta’s competitiveness in priority industries by enabling additional high-value, knowledge intensive employment in Malta’s priority industries. In addition, research and innovation will create further opportunities for highly qualified graduates within industry which will in turn generate other graduate opportunities in the long term. FUSION also provides the fora in which public and private enterprises invest in more innovative, eco-efficient products and services. This in turn enables the Maltese economy to become more resource-efficient, competitive and attractive to foreign investors.

FUSION is composed of two main programmes: the Commercialisation Voucher Programme and the Technology Development Programme. These two programmes are designed in a way to offer the necessary mentoring and financial support to researchers and industry players to take their ideas to the market.

Find out more from here.





EU Funding Opportunities

Horizon 2020 is the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme ever with nearly €80 billion of funding available over 7 years (2014 to 2020) – in addition to the private investment that this money will attract. It promises more breakthroughs, discoveries and world-firsts by taking great ideas from the lab to the market.

Horizon 2020 is the financial instrument implementing the Innovation Union, a Europe 2020 flagship initiative aimed at securing Europe's global competitiveness.

Seen as a means to drive economic growth and create jobs, Horizon 2020 has the political backing of Europe’s leaders and the Members of the European Parliament. They agreed that research is an investment in our future and so put it at the heart of the EU’s blueprint for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth and jobs.

By coupling research and innovation, Horizon 2020 is helping to achieve this with its emphasis on excellent science, industrial leadership and tackling societal challenges. The goal is to ensure Europe produces world-class science, removes barriers to innovation and makes it easier for the public and private sectors to work together in delivering innovation.

Horizon 2020 is open to everyone, with a simple structure that reduces red tape and time so participants can focus on what is really important. This approach makes sure new projects get off the ground quickly – and achieve results faster.

The EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation will be complemented by further measures to complete and further develop the European Research Area. These measures will aim at breaking down barriers to create a genuine single market for knowledge, research and innovation.

The National Contact Points of the Horizon 2020 in Malta are ready to assist you with all related querries to the framework programme, including finding local and foreign partners.

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