SHAREMED partners are launching this innovative initiative for practical marine research collaboration activities with Mediterranean institutions. This is a unique opportunity to boost your research by taking one or more offers that are presented in this Call for Transnational On-Demand Access. This will match you to a SHAREMED project partner and provide you with expertise, training and sharing of methodologies and operational models and systems.
The Transnational On-Demand Access actions are a major innovative and practical capitalisation endeavour through sub-projects offered by donors to Mediterranean recepients, consisting of doable joint actions to implement and set up systems at the recepient sites, or to train, or to undertake joint observations and assessments.
Eligible applicants should be qualified professionals (individuals or groups) formally engaged within a legal entity in any country in the Mediterranean region, and with a proven track record of marine-related responsibilities, projects or engagements.
The Call will remain open until the 8th of November 2021 for the first phase. For more details and registration click here: