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NEWS5 May 2021News

Internationalisation Partnership Awards Scheme Plus


The Malta Council for Science and Technology (MCST) is receiving proposals under the Internationalisation Partnership Awards Scheme Plus (IPAS+). The Scheme is divided into two options. Applicants are to fill in the appropriate sections of the form; they may select either Option A or Option B, or both:

Option A: opportunities for collaborative initiatives between Maltese entities and at least one foreign entity of proven track record of excellence. 

Option B: opportunities for Maltese entities intending to submit a Horizon Europe proposal as the coordinator of the consortium to engage a service provider (local or foreign) who will be supporting the applicant through proposal writing and submission.

The deadline for submission is Friday 4th June 2021.

An online info session with more details on the IPAS+ call will be held on Tuesday 11th May 2021 at 2.00pm. To register for this info session kindly press here.