The Malta Council for Science and Technology announces the launch of an Expression of Interest among Research Managers (RMAs) to participate in a three-day Study Visit to the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (Fundació Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya – IBEC) between 14-16 February 2024
The thematic areas targeted for this Study Visit are:
- Nano-Medicine
- Cell Engineering
- Mechnanobiology
- ICT for Health
More details can be found in a dedicated page to this study visit in the project website. Please read carefully the Expression of Interest and use the application form in the same page.
MCST will cover costs of flights, accommodation (up to 150EUR per night) and transportation up to a maximum of 1000euro per study visit. Reimbursement will be made on presentation of receipts.
For any further questions please contact Ian Gauci Borda
🔚 Deadline to apply 15 January 2024