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Welcome to EURAXESS in Malta

We provide free information and assistance for mobile researchers – by means of this portal and with the support of our national EURAXESS Centre.

In this portal you will find practical information concerning professional and daily life as well as information on job and funding opportunities. If you do not find the information you need in this portal, do not hesitate to contact us personally. We are here to remove barriers and make your life easier.

Researchers planning to continue their research career abroad can also find free useful information and assistance in this portal and in the portals of the countries they consider moving to.







Malta's Research and Development landscape

As a country which is still developing its R&D activity, Malta’s collaborations are largely ‘under construction’ and the collaboration profile is evolving over time. An important component of Malta’s international R&D collaboration activity is its participation in the EU’s Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP).

In recent years, the international aspect of R&I in Malta is increasingly being shaped by membership of the European Union (EU). The latter’s drive towards common European goals in R&I often contrasts with the diversity among EU member states in terms of size, geographical location, economic structure and maturity of the R&D system and restricts the direct applicability and transferability of R&I policy approaches from one country to the other.

In playing its role towards its visions for research and innovation, Malta actively participates in several forums at European level and endeavours to translate the European goals and vision into actions which fit Malta’s contextual framework.



Horizon 2020 videos featuring interviews with Maltese beneficiaries:

Video 1 'Excelent Science'

Video 2 'Industrial Leadership'

Video 3 'Societal Challenges'

Video 4 'Horizontal Actions'


Last updated: 01/04/2020


In 2013, the Malta Council for Science and Technology (MCST) started working on the conceptualisation of a web-based portal called ‘plumtri’ (Platform for Mediterranean Research and Innovation).

Plumtri was launched in 2015 with the objectives of:


  • Showcasing talent and skills in Research and Innovation
  • Connecting stakeholders with other individuals and organisations in Malta and abroad
  • Providing information on funding opportunities and events
  • Fostering exchanges and initiatives relating to Malta’s smart specialization areas


However, it has now evolved to encompass the Mediterranean region, where it acts as a platform that facilitates networking and knowledge sharing amongst the stakeholders involved while also serving as a 'one-stop-shop' for information on relevant funding opportunities and events.


Last updated 24/04/2020





About the University of Malta

The University of Malta aims to maintain and confirm its place as a research-intensive institution. Research activity is at the very heart of the University's vision, to stimulate teaching and to build strong links with business and industry as well as with other academic institutions.

The University of Malta is the highest teaching institution in Malta. It is publicly funded and is open to all those who have the requisite qualifications. The University's structures are in line with the Bologna Process and the European Higher Education Area. Conscious of its public role, the University strives to create courses which are relevant and timely in response to the needs of the country.

Visit the Newspoint for the latest news and events from the University of Malta.


Contact the University



RSSD provides comprehensive support to academics on all aspects of undertaking excellent research, from obtaining funding to undertaking experimental work.

For more information, kindly click here






Explore other research opportunities

Knowledge-intensive economic growth represents a major challenge for small countries with limited resources, a lack of critical mass and a poor culture for research and innovation. Support for new entrants is critical in the knowledge economy since these innovative-start-ups and spin-offs are created in response to emerging new technology niches and commercialisation opportunities. For Malta, this presents an opportunity to develop private sector R&D investments and capacities.





The EURAXESS Network

In an increasingly interconnected world, EURAXESS offers you the chance to interact on a global scale. It is a networking tool set up to support researchers working within and outside of Europe who wish to connect or stay connected with other researchers in their field of research. Through networking, researchers can strengthen European research and scientific cooperation with the world.




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